Fund Utilization

प्रणामी / দক্ষিণা / زکوٰۃ / Donations
11 जून 2023 by
Fund Utilization
Drongo Foundation

संतोषस्त्रिषु कर्तव्यः स्वदारे भोजने धने।
त्रिषु चैव न कर्तव्योऽध्ययने जपदानयोः॥ ०७-०४

saṃtoṣastriṣu kartavyaḥ svadāre bhojane dhane।
triṣu caiva na kartavyo’dhyayane japadānayoḥ॥ 07-04

English Translation:
One should be satisfied with one’s wife (spouse), food, and money. One should never be satisfied with one’s study, chanting, and charity.

Fund utilisation policy

The first 50% of the entire donation will be used for Waste Management to achieve sustainability and the rest 50% will be used for sociality. Later one will be divided into three parts:#1. Share 01 (33%): Basic Amenities (Roti or suitable food, Kapra or enough clothes, Makan or a shelter, Internet, and). Shares for four amenities will be utilised this way:

  • Food (20%): Money share will be directly donated to World Food Programme (WFP) under the “Support the greatest need” category till we establish our own food serving institution.
  • Clothes (20%): With the total, blankets and other clothes will be bought and will be given to those who don’t have them till we establish a new and used clothes distribution system of our own.
  • Shelter (20%): 50% of the money will be spent to cleanse our bigger shelter: our planet earth. First, we need to restore the balance then we have to make it better. This mission started from Lalgola (24.42°N 88.25°E). A self-help group run by women will be formed to perform the task. We will increase our area day by day. Rest 50% of the money will be saved till we have enough budget to buy land to make colonies for those who don’t have homes to live in. The building will be climate composite.
  • Internet (20%): Aim is to provide free internet to all.
  • Sex (20%): This is a bit complicated. 50% of the share will be spent on gender and sex-related awareness to curb taboos about sex-related topics. And the rest half will be spent to establish memorials in honour of deceased rape victims with the permission of their families. Why this is important, you may follow this link.

#2. Share 02 (33%): For, All types of education. (Budget Allocation will be as per gender percentage, and all the subjects will be treated as of the same importance.) This part will also be equally divided into two parts. Where one part will be given for fellowship in many subjects and subjects worldwide; and the other part will be saved till we reach a budget that we can establish our own educational institution.#3. Share 03 (33%): Savings as preparedness for ‘Acts of God’ i.e. natural calamities like storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, landslides etc.*Remaining 1% is for marketing and advertisement.**If any of 1, 2 or 3 gets eliminated, it will be divided into two parts: 32% (Aded to te rest equally) and 1% (will be allotted for marketing and advertisement).***After a certain period of time when nobody will starve, 1st share will be diminished, in that case, it will be divided and distributed into the rest equally.****For now, till we achieve the capabilities to undertake the concerned respected services, All the money collected, will be forwarded or donated to a respective authority or company or organisation (in that case your opinion may be asked), that satisfies our need, in a tender system.*****As we emphasise on cashless economy to reduce energy and resources, all the incoming and outgoing fund transaction will be very transparent and the datas and statitics along with all the soft copies of transaction will be enlisted and updated on the website^.

^If somebody or some organisation wants to keep their identity secret, with proper documentation and convincable cause they can have the privilage. Though amount will be always disclose on open forum with a ‘secret’ identity.

P.S.: As Honesty is a pillar of Humanity, there is absolutely zero tolerance on corruption and black money.

If you are donating money, please remember the transaction number and mail us the amount with the txn number to

PLEASE, Please send us a screenshot, and your of your web profile/account (viz. Facebook, Twitter Linkedin, Instagram, Quora etc., like mine is to or or that we want to tag your name as a link in the website and people can see you and reach you from each corner of the world.

Fund Utilization
Drongo Foundation 11 जून 2023
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