Certainly, in this world of data and commodity, rubbishes are getting accumulated inside or outside. As a result, our body, mind, spirit, and this planet is being polluted every moment shortening our life, dooming our future. Hence, our only motive is to clean... clean our body, clean our mind and clean this planet so that we can purify our soul and society.
It is not that the technologies to manage and treat wastes are far from our reach, but that needed to be integrated in our administration and governance in such a way that we can collect, store, transport, reuse, recycle, decompose, decontaminate and discharge waste without harming the environment. Various numerical models, physical and chemical procedures are needed to be implemented in our systems.
After in depth study and comparative analysis of the available technologies, we developed a system called SIMSWaM (Sustainable Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management) to curb the adversary of municipal solid wastes (MSW) where we successfully produced energy as a by-product. We used advanced top-notch technologies, sophisticated computer algorithms and satellite data to get more accurate and efficient results. In SIMSWaM system, we addressed every single issue of waste management starting from waste collection; through waste transportation, waste segregation; and finally waste decomposition.
We were successful, It was a good technology. But it was not enough. We needed to think beyond the waste cycle, we needed to consider the steps that come before waste generation and the steps after waste dumping. It means we must act on consumption and re-consumption.

. A dirty world cannot become the breeding ground of peace and serenity. Before cleaning mind & soul, the first intention is to clean and detoxify our lovely planet earth.

We cannot achieve tranquility when half of us are not fed properly. Our future is not secure when every 5th child is starved, untreated and has no access to education. We must share from our box.

Hppiness is easy to get, found in food or friend or booze or shopping or event or festival etc. But eternal bliss can only be achieved by filling internal void. Sacrifice is only way to get eternal happiness.
— Join Us —
Cleanning this planet is neither small task nor an easy one.
It is also not a job of one man, so, we desperately need YOU.
Effort, Money, cooperation, promotions, partnerships or devotion...
...we need it all.
Contribute only 5 minutes each day, that's all we want.
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If you are too busy, let your money help our hands.
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Invests in us to develop technology and resources.
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The ultimate goal is to dedicate our life.
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On 24th of December, Founder Nbd got the vision rather miraculously percived the decree of Mother Nature.
Without knoledge, no journey is prepared. So we devoted ourselves in the text books. We started learning how to harness the power of Mother Nature.
Developed a robust methodology to solve all in one. And during the COVID we improvised its functionality and operational capabilities.
During implementation, the main conflict emerged. If we go for profit, sustainability is compromised. If we go for sustainability, it will not be a profitable business.
Appeal to Mankind
After taking guidance and following our Indian heart, pledging to the cause, we registered as a Non-Profit charitable organisation.
Help us to serve you.
Make a Donation
Small or large, your contribution is essential.
Remember the squirrel in Ramayana, who was carrying pebbles for building RamSetu.

* "In this era of information, you can disavow your words, but you can't disown it.” So, click here for our old website.
** We have made the dark mode compulsory, as more BLACK SPACE on screen means more ENERGY SAVINGS.